~ Haiku~
Satori on Rye
jane street to dixie
as long as the day is
now its November
old righteous undone
the view from here forever
time’s a swinging door
life is illusion
coming and going alone
I am my worst friend
we must all buy in
small acts of kindness prevail
one-ness shows satori-face
[c] 2014
The Dance
we come and we go
losing the useless selfness
finding home again.
lettuce test the fates
aimless ambles bring meaning
fall down and get up
answer / no Answer
darkness takes my soul again
I bathe in wet sleep
we go and come back
time and distance comfort me
to world without end.
[c] 2017
cill na seanRatha
just steps from the ancestor
feel / no feel home here.
rain over Erin
she drives Skoda to daylight
through soft Irish morn
clouds cross Killarney
hugging brambles o’er the day
wishes not horses
blind crest in daylight
there came the yellow rain down
glad it’s not Thursday
relinquishes space and time
we seek out the peace
Yeats comes a-callin’
cobblestone streets of Dublin
his words forever.
pretentious poets
turn life to slow meaning
here comes the sunshine
Willie reads of olde times
Galway and Sligo are home
where ancient Eire lay.
oft told tales ring out
seeking the ties that bind us
as we make our way
Dublin…grit and warm
1 see children laughing fresh
every man’s a king
loneliness is here
friend and foe in tacit tongue
speak now forever
Don’t walk the long way
always take the streetcar home
no rest for himself
some such perfection
lives in closing sunset
love life till the end.
[c] 2017
Je suis l’artiste sauvage
But aren’t we all
Wishes ain’t horses
Somebody tried to tell me.
Buddha don’t forgive.
[c] 2017